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T J’s pin7048


Hello my name is T J, my clients ask for general readings using cards mainly, with some asking for relationship readings or general readings which I am happy to do. I give honest readings and link into my guides to give another dimension to my readings and adding a more personal guidance. I am someone who was put on this world to guide, comfort and encourage people, this I do in my employment, my hobbies and my readings etc. I feel this has been my calling and now it’s time to fulfil that calling.
My preferred method to read is card but I can use other forms of divination such as a quartz ball or just linking to guides. I ask my guides to give me deeper insight to the cards and pull out any hidden messages in the layout. I ask my guide to give me the meaning to the cards instead of using the standard meanings as this gives a more personal reading.
I really enjoy giving people comfort and guidance, where possible and leaving them feeling more than satisfied with what they have received. I enjoy giving insights into their lives and encouraging people to move forward.
During my spare time I like to learn new skills, one of which got me qualified as an holistic analytical hypnotherapist which I practice in my spare time on a self employed basis alongside my part time job. I like to exercise and socialise but I also like to have some me time so I can meditate and revitalise.

My favourite inspirational quote is I believe and therefore anything is possible – not sure who said it.



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