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Rosie’s pin7024


I am a caring, sympathetic natural psychic and I also use tarot cards and sometimes
automatic writing. I have been doing readings now for nearly 10 years.
My guide is Grey Owl, a Native American. I get given words/names and places in my
mind, like thoughts.

My clients often ask for a Tarot reading as they like the focus the cards provide to
them. I really enjoy showing even the smallest guidance on the Tarot as it can enrich
what is being told.

During a first time reading with me, I ask the Client if they have ever had a reading?
If No I ask if they are comfortable where they’re sitting, and explain how I work. If
Yes, I would still if they are comfortable, give a little explanation on how I work,
then I go on to read. I ask as the reading progresses if there is anything they would
like to ask, or simply reach the reading end and then ask if there is something I can
explain further.

My favourite part of my work is meeting new people, working in different
environments. Receiving new and unusual insight and using all or some of my
psychic tools.

Many years ago, I was in the garden room of a house, and I heard my name being
called. I went to see who had called me, no-one had.

Several years later, a friend introduced me to a development circle group, I was
totally hooked and drawn in, and that was the beginning of my pathway. A few
groups and a few years later, here I am, still developing, learning, hooked in.
During my spare time I’m quite a homebody. I have a small dog who enjoys many
walks, a lovely easy-to-keep garden with visiting birds and squirrels. I enjoy cinema,
catching up with friends. I attend workshops, love all the input and I’m attending a
psychic art day workshop in November, another tool.
My favourite most inspirational quote is “Choose to travel with others and learn their
way, choose to take an unfamiliar turning and see where it takes you. Have faith in
yourself and know that you are able to fix your problems yourself.”
‘Your Choice’ by Mandy Bell
I try not to live by Good or Bad, but different, which is a positive take on situations
and it is better to have a positive outlook than a negative one. There is more than
one way to skin a cat, more than one path, take the opportunities …



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