Crystal Diamond’s pin6767
I am a compassionate natural psychic with 30 years of experience. I was about 13yrs old when I first discovered my psychic skills, it was a bit scary at first but I never shied away from it. It wasn’t until I was much older however when I felt I could develop my skills and read for people.
I will aim to give you guidance into current situations by using a variety of tools or just by using my natural psychic skills on a one to one basis. I will Introduce myself and ask what type of reading you would like or if you are unsure then I can explain and discuss the styles that may be best for your reading.
I am an animal communicator, spiritual healer and reiki healer. I also do astrological charts, dream analysis, chakra work, colour therapy, psychic development and can use crystal ball, pendulum, and runes. I am able to do aura readings and automatic writing and last but not least I work no tools / freehand and with my guides and senses.
When I do have time for hobbies I usually escape into movies and I also enjoy travelling in this country or abroad with my husband. My favourite quote is “Bringing two worlds closer together” by Colin Fry.